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Premier Pet Pty Ltd |
Product Code: BAR050-03.5
Best kept in a planted aquarium with dark gravel, when settled males will then start to show their full colour. A peaceful community fish which prefers to be in a school. Native to Sri Lanka, males grow to about 6cm, females remain smaller.
Product Code: BAR100-03
This small peaceful barb from Sri Lanka is an excellent community fish. Best kept in a small school in a planted aquarium. They rarely show their full colours if housed in a sparsely decorated aquarium. Grows to about 5cm.
Product Code: BAR125-02.5
A very popular community fish, Cherry Barbs are native to Sri Lanka. Best kept in a planted aquarium with other peaceful species such as tetras. Males develop a rich cherry red colour soon after settling into their aquarium. Grows to about 4-5cm.
Product Code: BAR125-03
A very popular community fish, Cherry Barbs are native to Sri Lanka. Best kept in a planted aquarium with other peaceful species such as tetras. Males develop a rich cherry red colour soon after settling into their aquarium. Grows to about 4-5cm.
Product Code: BAR500-02
Hardy and easy to care for, Rosy Barbs are ideal for both heated and unheated aquaria. A very popular species, active and showy. Native to India, grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR500-03
Hardy and easy to care for, Rosy Barbs are ideal for both heated and unheated aquaria. A very popular species, active and showy. Native to India, grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR510-04.5
Males only - an eye-catching sight with their red colouration. Hardy and easy to care for, Rosy Barbs are ideal for both heated and unheated aquaria. A very popular species, active and showy. Native to India, grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR530-04.5
A very attractive strain developed by selective breeding, with intense red colour and iridescent scales. Hardy and easy to care for, ideal for both heated and unheated aquaria. A very popular species, active and showy. Grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR790-02
Tiger Barbs are best kept in a school of 6 or more. Do not keep with fish with long flowing fins such as Angels or Guppies, as the barbs may nip their fins. Grows to about 6-7cm. Our assorted Tiger Barbs includes the wild (ie normal), golden and moss green varieties.
Product Code: BAR790-03.5
Tiger Barbs are best kept in a school of 6 or more. Do not keep with fish with long flowing fins such as Angels or Guppies, as the barbs may nip their fins. Grows to about 6-7cm. Our assorted Tiger Barbs includes the wild (ie normal), golden and moss green varieties.
Product Code: BAR800-02
These fish are very popular because of their bold markings and active, showy nature. Tiger barbs are best kept in a school of 6 or more. Do not keep with fish with long flowing fins such as Angels or Guppies, as the barbs may nip their fins. Various colour strains have been developed because of the fish's enduring popularity. Grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR800-03.5
These fish are very popular because of their bold markings and active, showy nature. Tiger barbs are best kept in a school of 6 or more. Do not keep with fish with long flowing fins such as Angels or Guppies, as the barbs may nip their fins. Various colour strains have been developed because of the fish's enduring popularity. Grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR840-02
A golden body colour is a feature of the albino strain, making a nice contrast to the dark banded wild form. Tiger Barbs are best kept in a school of 6 or more. Do not keep with fish with long flowing fins such as Angels or Guppies, as the barbs may nip their fins. Grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR840-03.5
A golden body colour is a feature of the albino strain, making a nice contrast to the dark banded wild form. Tiger Barbs are best kept in a school of 6 or more. Do not keep with fish with long flowing fins such as Angels or Guppies, as the barbs may nip their fins. Grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR875-02
A popular selectively bred strain, predominantly dark green in colour. Tiger Barbs are best kept in a school of 6 or more. Do not keep with fish with long flowing fins such as Angels or Guppies, as the barbs may nip their fins. Grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: BAR875-03.5
A popular selectively bred strain, predominantly dark green in colour. Tiger Barbs are best kept in a school of 6 or more. Do not keep with fish with long flowing fins such as Angels or Guppies, as the barbs may nip their fins. Grows to about 6-7cm.