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Product Code: CAC050-03.5
A very popular and hardy catfish for the community aquarium. Albino strains of both the Bronze Catfish and Pepper Corydoras have been developed in the aquarium hobby. Grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: CAC060-03.5
A very popular and undemanding catfish, constantly searching the substrate for food. Ideal for any community aquarium containing other peaceful species. Grows to about 7cm.
Product Code: CAC080-03.5
With its distinctive mottled appearance, the Pepper Cory is a very popular and hardy catfish, ideal for community aquaria. Native to southeastern Brazil, it tolerates slightly cooler temperatures than most Corydoras. Males have slightly longer dorsal and pectoral fins. Grows to about 6-7cm.
Product Code: CAC400-03
Also known as the Leopard Catfish, the Corydoras Julii is native to Peru, Brazil and Ecuador. They grow to a maximum size of about 6 cm and behave similarly to the more familiar Bronze, Albino and Pepper corydoras. Stock supplied to Australia is both bred in captivity and wild caught.
Product Code: CAC570-03
The Corydoras Panda is a beautiful catfish and a good alternative to the more common Corydoras. Their distinctive black spot at the base of the tail, combined with their black dorsal fin and black line across their face make them a focal point of any aquarium.
Product Code: CAC800-03.5
This is a popular and attractive Cory, displaying a strong body pattern and orange edged pectoral fins. Corydoras are ideal aquarium fish, peaceful, active and very good at detecting uneaten food items lying on the substrate. Best kept in a small group with peaceful fish such as tetras. Grows to 7-8cm.
Product Code: CAG500-05
Glass catfish prefer to eat aquatic crustaceans and worms; this diet can be replicated with live blackworms and frozen bloodworms in captivity although dry food will be accepted when the fish are acclimatised. Glass Catfish should be kept and displayed in schools.
Product Code: CAO700-03
Ideal algae-eater for planted tanks, will not damage even fine leaved plants.
Product Code: CAP250-05
With their distinctive markings and active manner, Pictus are a popular oddball. They are well suited to community aquariums containing similar sized fish, but do not keep them with much smaller fish (eg. small neons). They grow to a maximum size of around 12cm, but are commonly seen at 8-10cm.
Product Code: CAP400-07
Depending on conditions, this popular algae eater can grow to 40cm or more, but is usually much smaller. A very hardy scavenger, it can be used in a variety of situations, such as with smaller fish or with large American Cichlids. Native to South America.
Product Code: CAP400-08
Depending on conditions, this popular algae eater can grow to 40cm or more, but is usually much smaller. A very hardy scavenger, it can be used in a variety of situations, such as with smaller fish or with large American Cichlids. Native to South America.
Product Code: CAP400-10
Depending on conditions, this popular algae eater can grow to 40cm or more, but is usually much smaller. A very hardy scavenger, it can be used in a variety of situations, such as with smaller fish or with large American Cichlids. Native to South America.
Product Code: CAP800-05
Also known simply as "Gibbiceps", large dark spots and large decorative fins make this a very showy algae eater. Hardy and easy to care for, it can grow to 30cm or more, but is usually much smaller. An ideal bottom feeder, especially with medium to larger fish. Native to Peru.
Product Code: CAP800-07
Also known simply as "Gibbiceps", large dark spots and large decorative fins make this a very showy algae eater. Hardy and easy to care for, it can grow to 30cm or more, but is usually much smaller. An ideal bottom feeder, especially with medium to larger fish. Native to Peru.
Product Code: CAS400-05
Being a bottom-dweller, the Sucking Catfish's most prominent feature is a big suckermouth, which it uses for scraping algae and clinging to objects. They have a special opening on the upper part of the gill cover for the water intake so the fish can breathe without using its mouth. Sucking Catfish are not fussy about water chemistry providing the water is kept clean and they predominantly eat...
Product Code: CAS400-07
Being a bottom-dweller, the Sucking Catfish's most prominent feature is a big suckermouth, which it uses for scraping algae and clinging to objects. They have a special opening on the upper part of the gill cover for the water intake so the fish can breathe without using its mouth. Sucking Catfish are not fussy about water chemistry providing the water is kept clean and they predominantly eat...
Product Code: CAS425-05
Being a bottom-dweller, the Sucking Catfish's most prominent feature is a big suckermouth, which they use for scraping algae and clinging to objects. They have a special opening on the upper part of the gill cover for water intake so the fish can breathe without using its mouth. Sucking Catfish are not fussy about water chemistry providing the water is kept clean and they predominantly eat...
Product Code: CAS425-07
Being a bottom-dweller, the Sucking Catfish's most prominent feature is a big suckermouth, which they use for scraping algae and clinging to objects. They have a special opening on the upper part of the gill cover for water intake so the fish can breathe without using its mouth. Sucking Catfish are not fussy about water chemistry providing the water is kept clean and they predominantly eat...
Product Code: CAS450-05
Being a bottom-dweller, the Sucking Catfish's most prominent feature is a big suckermouth, which they use for scraping algae and clinging to objects. They have a special opening on the upper part of the gill cover for water intake so the fish can breathe without using its mouth. Sucking Catfish are not fussy about water chemistry providing the water is kept clean and they predominantly eat...